Creating a pretty package is one of my favorite things to do if time allows. This year I decided to wrap all my Christmas gifts in kraft paper and use bakers twine to attach the tags. I found this download online to print (I used white card stock to print them on) plain yellow tags. After seeing so many inspirational packaging images on Pinterest I decided to (since all my packages are already wrapped) start embellishing them. I found two other tag downloads online. This one lets you print large tags with movie quotes on them and this one has several Christmas sayings that I also added to some of my packages. They could also double as tags if you prefer. The possibilities are endless and sure to wow your loved ones before they even open the package guaranteeing yours to be one of the first presents reached for under the tree.
{elements from nature, twine, a jar of ribbon, tape, pen, sissors, washi tape, labels, and bakers twine}

{A few of my finished packages}
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